Mom got her lab numbers back today. Her WBC were lower, and the neutrophils were a bit lower, but both still in the “go” range so I suspect we will be good for chemo 4 tomorrow.
Daily Status
June 1, 2022: A Good Day
The last 24 hours were great for Mom. Appetite was a little lower than the past few days, but OK. She spent a bit of time out back with Pop keeping cool in the shade with her feet in the kiddie pool — I think Mom is feeling the temperature about 15 degrees colder than the rest of us, so a 90-95 degree day is just about perfect for her. This morning Mom is off to get labs done in preparation of Chemo 4 later this week.
May 31, 2022: A Good Day
Mom had a great Memorial Day weekend, and woke up today feeling just fine. A little less appetite, but overall, no significant issues.
May 30, 2021: A Good Day
Happy Memorial Day. Mom went out to breakfast today with two of her sisters, and we came over for dinner to do some grilling. Her sister Diann flies back to Arizona tomorrow morning; she has been such a great ball of energy and enthusiasm for Mom and an incredible relief for those of us cycling through sleepovers at the house. Another very green day!
May 29, 2022: A Good Day
Mom was a little tired form the wedding yesterday, but it in high spirits and enjoying family outside.
May 28, 2022: A Good Day
A great day; Mom got dressed up fancy and got to go to her Goddaughter’s wedding.