Everything about Mom’s funeral yesterday was perfect.
After a viewing at the funeral home Thursday night that was wonderful, we pulled out all the stops for Friday morning.
So many people, so much love.
I delivered my words before Mass in church without unraveling (barely) and Mass was extraordinary.
Msgr Lawrence delivered a service and a homily that was so personalized and so sincere and so real… he really gave the family a gift.
The readers Mom selected all delivered.
And the singer was otherworldly. Her rendition of “Ave Maria” was something you gladly pay admission to hear. It was breathtaking.
After Mass we had a luncheon at Spring Mill Firehouse Ballroom, catered by PTG, and it was just beautiful. Great food and some great moments with old and new friends.
There was nothing left, and nothing I wish was done differently or better.
It was a good showing for my Mom, who would have thought it all perfect.
I have more to write, and more people to thank, but I’ll do that later. Right now I feel like I could sleep for November.
I will thank them all again and for the rest of my life, but my sisters, and my Mom’s sisters, went far above and beyond during this whole ordeal, and especially this past week.
We are all exhausted. Proud. Barely able to breathe through the grief. Lonely. Scared. Relieved.
It is over.
We did everything g we could for 7 months right through the funeral.
We did it.
Miss you Mom. Always.

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