We met with Mom’s oncologist this morning.
Mom is going to pursue going on hospice. She will be meeting with the hospice people in the next couple of days.
Mom’s oncologist felt MRI did not show us anything new, that the previous CT scans saw something in her liver, and this confirms that, but it also confirmed that it has not grown. He said the takeaway from the MRI was that things were stable. He felt there was nothing to concern ourselves with regarding Mom’s liver.
He stated that while there was another type of chemo that some patients go to, there was nothing to suggest that it would give mom any significant increase in survivability and that the symptoms would be worse.
He stated that there was a pill that is sometimes prescribed but that the gains were negligible, and again, the impact is significant.
He supports Mom’s choice to pursue hospice, and he feels it is the best course of action.
He wants to focus on treating and either reducing or eliminating any of Mom’s current symptoms and for us all to focus on improving and sustaining Mom’s quality of life for the time that remains.
When asked, he said that he did not think it was likely that Mom would have more than six months with us, but it could be closer to three — but also that the only thing you were guaranteed when someone gave you a timeframe on your life was that they would be wrong.
In any event, that is where we are right now.
I have a lot more say and feel about all of this, but I will leave it here for now.
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